/** * Represents homogeneous coords point in 3D, plus algebra. *

* For CSU540 Computer Graphics class, Spring 2005 * CCIS, Northeastern University *

* Consists of a single 4-element double vector, vec, and various static methods. *
* Method names ending with "Same" alter the vector argument. * Others return a copy. * @author Bob Futrelle * @version 26 January 2005 */ public class Vec { /** * The only (non-static) field, a 4-element array. */ public double[] vec; /** * Tests and prints results of all methods (all are static) */ public static void main(String[] args) { Vec p = new Vec(); System.out.println("\nEmpty vector is: " + p); Vec v1 = new Vec(1.0,0.0,1.0); System.out.println("\nv1 is: " + v1); Vec v2 = new Vec(0.0,1.0,0.0); System.out.println("v2 is: " + v2); System.out.println("\nInner product of v1, v2:"); System.out.println(Vec.innerProd(v1,v2)); System.out.println("\nOuter product of v1, v2:"); System.out.println(Vec.outerProd(v1,v2)); System.out.println("\nOuter product of v2, v1 (other order):"); System.out.println(Vec.outerProd(v2,v1)); Vec v3 = new Vec(3.0,4.0,0.0); System.out.println("\nv3: " + v3); System.out.println("\nLength of v3: " + Vec.length(v3)); System.out.println("\nNormalized copy of v3:"); System.out.println(Vec.normalize(v3)); System.out.println("\nv3 itself normalized. Not a copy:"); Vec.normalizeSame(v3); System.out.println(v3 + "\n"); } /** * Lists the x, y, and z elements of vec. */ public String toString(){ return "[" + vec[0] + "," + vec[1] + "," + vec[2] + "]"; } /** * Creates 0.0 vector with homogeneous, vec[3], coord = 1.0. */ public Vec () { vec = new double[] {0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0}; } /** * Creates vector with the three argument values and vec[3] = 1.0. */ public Vec (double x, double y, double z) { vec = new double[4]; vec[0] = x; vec[1] = y; vec[2] = z; vec[3] = 1.0; } /** * Inner product using the x, y, z components. */ public static double innerProd(Vec v1, Vec v2){ double sum = 0.0; for(int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++) sum = sum + v1.vec[i]*v2.vec[i]; return sum; } /** * Outer, or vector, product using the x, y, z components. * @return A new Vec object containing the product in the vec field. *
* Can be viewed as the value of this determinant: *

     * | i  j  k |
     * | x  y  z |
     * | x' y' z'|
* where i, j, and k are the unit vectors along the three axes. */ public static Vec outerProd(Vec v1, Vec v2){ Vec product = new Vec(); product.vec[0] = v1.vec[1]*v2.vec[2] + - v1.vec[2]*v2.vec[1]; product.vec[1] = v1.vec[2]*v2.vec[0] + - v1.vec[0]*v2.vec[2]; product.vec[2] = v1.vec[0]*v2.vec[1] + - v1.vec[1]*v2.vec[0]; product.vec[3] = 1.0; return product; } /** * Sum of two vectors, a static method. * Homogeneous coordinate remains at 1.0 *
* TO BE COMPLETED * @return Vector sum of two arguments. */ public static Vec vecSum(Vec v1, Vec v2){ Vec sum = new Vec(); // INSERT LOOP CODE return sum; } /** * Difference of two vectors, a static method. * Homogeneous coordinate remains at 1.0 *
* TO BE COMPLETED * @return Vector difference of v1 minus v2 */ public static Vec vecDiff(Vec v1, Vec v2){ Vec diff = new Vec(); // INSERT LOOP CODE return diff; } /** * Computes vector length. * @return length of arg (ignores homogeneous coordinate). */ public static double length(Vec v) { return Math.sqrt(v.vec[0]*v.vec[0] + v.vec[1]*v.vec[1] + v.vec[2]*v.vec[2]); } /** * Creates a normalized, unit length, copy of a Vec. * @return normalized copy of arg. */ public static Vec normalize(Vec v){ double len = Vec.length(v); return new Vec(v.vec[0]/len, v.vec[1]/len, v.vec[2]/len); } /** * Normalizes (alters) a Vec to unit length. * @param v The vector to be scaled to unit length. */ public static void normalizeSame(Vec v){ double len = Vec.length(v); for(int m=0; m < 3; m++) v.vec[m] = v.vec[m]/len; } } // end class Vec