import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import javax.swing.*; /** * A triangle in 3D, with three Vec vertices and a reflectivity (a Color). * A triangle is represented by the Vec objects of its three vertices. * A triangle has a color associated with it, for filling, illumination, etc. *

* For CSU540 Computer Graphics class, Spring 2005 * CCIS, Northeastern University *

* Includes linear transform using a Mat *
* Method names ending with "Same" alter the given triangle. * Others return a copy. * @author Bob Futrelle * @version 26 January 2005 */ public class Triangle { /** The three vertices */ public Vec[] tri; /** The unit outward normal */ public Vec normal; /** Color, for filling, illumination, etc. */ public Color color; /** * Tests and prints results of all methods (all are static) */ public static void main(String[] args) { Vec v0 = new Vec(0.0,0.0,0.0); Vec v1 = new Vec(100.0,0.0,0.0); Vec v2 = new Vec(0.0,100.0,0.0); Triangle t1 = new Triangle(v0, v1, v2,; System.out.println("Triangle vertices are:" + t1); Mat trans = Mat.transMat(1.0, 2.0, 3.0); System.out.println("Translation matrix: " + trans); Triangle t2 = Triangle.transformTriangle(trans, t1); System.out.println("Translated triangle vertices are:" + t2); } /** * Lists the three vertices */ public String toString(){ return "\n" + tri[0] + "\n" + tri[1] + "\n" + tri[2] + "\n"; } /** * Creates black Triangle with the 3-element Vec array. */ public Triangle() { tri = new Vec[3]; for(int trindex = 0; trindex < 3; trindex++) tri[trindex] = new Vec(); color =; } /** * Creates colored Triangle with the three given vertices */ public Triangle(Vec v0, Vec v1, Vec v2, Color c) { this(); // calls default constructor above tri[0] = v0; tri[1] = v1; tri[2] = v2; color = c; } /** * Produces a copy of the triangle after a linear transform is applied. *
* THIS SHOULD NOT BE A STATIC METHOD. CHANGE IT. * @param mat The linear transform. * @param t1 The triangle to be transformed. * @return A new triangle which has the transformed vertices. */ public static Triangle transformTriangle(Mat mat, Triangle t1){ Triangle triReturn = new Triangle(); for(int vert = 0; vert < 3; vert++) triReturn.tri[vert] = Mat.matrixXvector(mat, t1.tri[vert]); return triReturn; } /** * Alters this triangle by applying a linear transform is applied. *
* * @param mat The linear transform. */ public void transformTriangleSame(Mat mat){ // TO BE COMPLETED } /** * Finds the unit normal to a triangle. * The perimeter is traversed in order v0, v1, v2. * Sets the normal field of Triangle. *
* TO BE COMPLETED * */ public Vec normalToTriangle(){ Vec normal = new Vec(); // TO BE COMPLETED return normal; } /** * Used to match to standard moveTo() which takes two * integer arguments. (private, so normally, no javadoc). */ private void pthMoveToVec(GeneralPath path, Vec v){ path.moveTo(Math.round(v.vec[0]), Math.round(v.vec[1])); } /** * Used to match to standard lineTo() which takes two * integer arguments. (private, so normally, no javadoc). */ private void pthLineToVec(GeneralPath path, Vec v){ path.lineTo(Math.round(v.vec[0]), Math.round(v.vec[1])); } /** * Creates and closes a GeneralPath for the triangle, sets the color and fills it. */ public void drawTri(Graphics g){ Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g; GeneralPath pth = new GeneralPath(); pthMoveToVec(pth,tri[0]); pthLineToVec(pth,tri[1]); pthLineToVec(pth,tri[2]); pth.closePath(); g2d.setPaint(color); g2d.fill(pth); } } // class Triangle