CSU520 Artificial Intelligence - Spring 2007 - Assignments

Professor Futrelle - College of Computer and Information Sciences, Northeastern U., Boston, MA

Version of 8 April 2007

Overview of the assignments in this course

There are five written assignments detailed below, totaling 20% of your course grade. Details of your semester project are available on the Project page.

The difficult problems of working in teams

In practice, in business and industry, working in teams makes a lot of sense. In teaching, it can be a troubling issue. The problem is that I have to give every student a separate grade. Therefore: Any pair of students that wants to work together, primarily on your Project, will be required to give me a solid plan for their work that makes it possible for me to be sure that each person is pulling their weight and gaining the skills and knowledge needed. Note that as soon as two students work as a team, they must produce twice the work, in amount and/or quality, that I expect from a single individual. Unfortunately, that has too often not been the case, and resulted in reduced grades, and that made no one happy. So be warned.


If an individual hands in work actually done by anyone else (a classmate, or anyone else), that violates the regulations of this University. I can often detect such violations and I will investigate them. If I have strong suspicions of such behavior, I am required to report it to the College and the University.

The mechanics of your assignments

If you need to hand in work that requires working things out on paper, e.g., using logic notation, drawing trees, etc., you may hand it in as hardcopy. But I strongly prefer documents sent as email attachments or as text pasted into your email. All email to me regarding any aspect of the course must have a Subject line beginning with csu520sp07 or I will ask you to resend it properly.

Some assignments may be handed in by simply pasting your text into email. If you attach files to your email, you may only include them as a single file. Therefore, if your work consists of more than a single file (especially true for your projects) they should be converted to a single zip, tar, or jar file. In addition, the body of your email should briefly describe, in a sentence or two, what is being attached in such a case. You must not give your file a generic name such as "Project". Instead, a combination of your name, class, and assignment name should be used, e.g., "YangCSU520sp07FirstProject.zip".

Assignment #1: Search - AIMA Exercises - Due Tuesday, Feb. 6th 11:59pm

Assignment #2: Logic - AIMA Exercises - Due Tuesday, Feb. 20th, 11:59pm

Assignment #3: Uncertainty (primarily, Bayesian networks).

AIMA Exercises - Due Thursday, March 22nd, 11:59pm.

Assignment #4: Learning

AIMA Exercises - Due Tuesday, April 17th, 11:59pm.

Assignment #5: Natural language CANCELLED

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