CSU520 Artificial Intelligence - Spring 2006 - Lisp Quiz

A kindler, gentler Lisp quiz

Professor Futrelle - College of Computer and Information Sciences, Northeastern U., Boston, MA

Updated 24 January 2006

The Lisp Quiz will be, Monday, January 30th (last 30 minutes of class)

Here is the earlier review for the quiz, posted January 22nd. The material below is a more accurate indication of what you will be quizzed on. It is much simpler than the earlier review.

This quiz is closed book and focused entirely on the material in Chapter 1, Introduction to Lisp, in PAIP. The material is so basic, that you are responsible for all of it. On the other hand, the quiz is being given to see that you have a reasonable acquaintance with Lisp, not that you have mastered every item in the chapter. Therefore you will still be given a score of 10 out of 10 even if you miss a few items. How's that?  ;-)

Some of the observations below are based on what I learned from grading the CSG120 quiz given Monday the 23rd.

How to study for the quiz

Practice writing out expressions without looking at the book. Then check them using PAIP or other Lisp references such as Seibel's on-line book, and then by entering them into lisp. Do this over and over until you get them right every time.

Basic design of the quiz

Rather than asking you to design nontrivial functions that use the basic lisp functions and forms, the quiz will focus on the basic Lisp functions and forms themselves. There will be questions that combine various of the basics, but not in complex ways. I also may give an ill-formed expression and ask you to write a proper version of it. Here are some of the more important basic Lisp functions from Chapter 1 of PAIO, not an exhaustive list. In each case you'd be asked to show a simple use or state what the result of an example use would be.

Common mistakes and misunderstandings to avoid

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