;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;;; Code from Paradigms of AI Programming ;;;; Copyright (c) 1991 Peter Norvig ;;;; File grammar.lisp: The grammar of English given in Chapter 21. (requires "unifgram" "lexicon") (rule (NP ?agr (common ?) -wh ?x ?g1 ?g1 (the ?x (name ?name ?x))) ==> (name ?agr ?name)) (rule (NP ?agr ?case ?wh ?x ?g1 ?g1 ?sem) ==> (pronoun ?agr ?case ?wh ?x ?sem)) (rule (NP (- - - +) ?case -wh ?x ?g1 ?g2 (group ?x ?sem)) ==> (:ex "dogs") ; Plural nouns don't need a determiner (NP2 (- - - +) ?case ?x ?g1 ?g2 ?sem)) (rule (NP ?agr (common ?) ?wh ?x ?g1 ?g2 ?sem) ==> (:ex "Every man" "The dogs on the beach") (Det ?agr ?wh ?x ?restriction ?sem) (NP2 ?agr (common ?) ?x ?g1 ?g2 ?restriction)) (rule (NP ?agr ?case ?wh ?x (gap (NP ?agr ?case ?x)) (gap nil) t) ==> ;; Gapped NP ) (rule (NP2 ?agr (common ?) ?x ?g1 ?g2 :sem) ==> (modifiers pre noun ?agr () ?x (gap nil) (gap nil) ?pre) (noun ?agr ?slots ?x ?noun) (modifiers post noun ?agr ?slots ?x ?g1 ?g2 ?post)) (rule (modifiers ?pre/post ?cat ?info (?slot . ?slots) ?h ?g1 ?g3 :sem) ==> (complement ?cat ?info ?slot ?h ?g1 ?g2 ?mod) (modifiers ?pre/post ?cat ?info ?slots ?h ?g2 ?g3 ?mods)) (rule (modifiers ?pre/post ?cat ?info ((? (?) ?) . ?slots) ?h ?g1 ?g2 ?mods) ==> (modifiers ?pre/post ?cat ?info ?slots ?h ?g1 ?g2 ?mods)) (rule (modifiers ?pre/post ?cat ?info ?slots ?h ?g1 ?g3 :sem) ==> (adjunct ?pre/post ?cat ?info ?h ?g1 ?g2 ?adjunct) (modifiers ?pre/post ?cat ?info ?slots ?h ?g2 ?g3 ?mods)) (rule (modifiers ? ? ? () ? ?g1 ?g1 t) ==> ) (rule (adjunct pre noun ?info ?x ?gap ?gap ?sem) ==> (adj ?x ?sem)) (rule (adjunct pre noun ?info ?h ?gap ?gap :sem) ==> (:sem (noun-noun ?h ?x)) (noun ?agr () ?x ?sem)) (rule (adjunct post ?cat ?info ?x ?g1 ?g2 ?sem) ==> (PP ?prep ?prep ?wh ?np ?x ?g1 ?g2 ?sem)) (rule (PP ?prep ?role ?wh ?np ?x ?g1 ?g2 :sem) ==> (prep ?prep t) (:sem (?role ?x ?np)) (NP ?agr (common obj) ?wh ?np ?g1 ?g2 ?np-sem)) (rule (PP ?prep ?role ?wh ?np ?x (gap (PP ?prep ?role ?np ?x)) (gap nil) t) ==> ) (rule (adjunct post noun ?agr ?x ?gap ?gap ?sem) ==> (:ex (the man) "visiting me" (the man) "visited by me") (:test (member ?infl (-ing passive))) (clause ?infl ?x ? ?v (gap (NP ?agr ? ?x)) (gap nil) ?sem)) (rule (adjunct post noun ?agr ?x ?gap ?gap ?sem) ==> (rel-clause ?agr ?x ?sem)) (rule (rel-clause ?agr ?x :sem) ==> (:ex (the man) "that she liked" "that liked her" "that I know Lee liked") (opt-rel-pronoun ?case ?x ?int-subj ?rel-sem) (clause (finite ? ?) ? ?int-subj ?v (gap (NP ?agr ?case ?x)) (gap nil) ?clause-sem)) (rule (opt-rel-pronoun ?case ?x ?int-subj (?type ?x)) ==> (:word ?rel-pro) (:test (word ?rel-pro rel-pro ?case ?type))) (rule (opt-rel-pronoun (common obj) ?x int-subj t) ==> ) (rule (Det ?agr ?wh ?x ?restriction (?art ?x ?restriction)) ==> (:ex "the" "every") (art ?agr ?art) (:test (if (= ?art wh) (= ?wh +wh) (= ?wh -wh)))) (rule (Det ?agr ?wh ?x ?r (the ?x ?restriction)) ==> (:ex "his" "her") (pronoun ?agr gen ?wh ?y ?sem) (:test (and* ((genitive ?y ?x) ?sem ?r) ?restriction))) (rule (Det ?agr -wh ?x ?r ((number ?n) ?x ?r)) ==> (:ex "three") (cardinal ?n ?agr)) (rule (VP ?infl ?x ?subject-slot ?v ?g1 ?g2 :sem) ==> (:ex "sleeps" "quickly give the dog a bone") (modifiers pre verb ? () ?v (gap nil) (gap nil) ?pre-sem) (:sem (?role ?x ?v)) (:test (= ?subject-slot (?role 1 ?))) (verb ?verb ?infl (?subject-slot . ?slots) ?v ?v-sem) (modifiers post verb ? ?slots ?v ?g1 ?g2 ?mod-sem)) (rule (VP ?infl ?x ?subject-slot ?v ?g1 ?g2 :sem) ==> (:ex "is sleeping" "would have given a bone to the dog." "did not sleep" "was given a bone by this old man") ;; An aux verb, followed by a VP (aux ?infl ?needs-infl ?v ?aux) (modifiers post aux ? () ?v (gap nil) (gap nil) ?mod) (VP ?needs-infl ?x ?subject-slot ?v ?g1 ?g2 ?vp)) (rule (adjunct post aux ? ?v ?gap ?gap (not ?v)) ==> (:word not)) (rule (adjunct ?pre/post verb ?info ?v ?g1 ?g2 ?sem) ==> (advp ?wh ?v ?g1 ?g2 ?sem)) (rule (advp ?wh ?v ?gap ?gap ?sem) ==> (adverb ?wh ?v ?sem)) (rule (advp ?wh ?v (gap (advp ?v)) (gap nil) t) ==> ) (rule (clause ?infl ?x ?int-subj ?v ?gap1 ?gap3 :sem) ==> (subject ?agr ?x ?subj-slot ?int-subj ?gap1 ?gap2 ?subj-sem) (VP ?infl ?x ?subj-slot ?v ?gap2 ?gap3 ?pred-sem) (:test (subj-pred-agree ?agr ?infl))) (rule (subject ?agree ?x ?subj-slot ext-subj (gap ?subj) (gap nil) t) ==> ;; Externally realized subject (the normal case for S) (:test (slot-constituent ?subj-slot ?subj ?x ?) (if (= ?subj (NP ?agr ?case ?x)) (= ?agree ?agr) (= ?agree (- - + -))))) ;Non-NP subjects are 3sing (rule (subject ?agr ?x (?role 1 (NP ?x)) int-subj ?gap ?gap ?sem) ==> (NP ?agr (common nom) ?wh ?x (gap nil) (gap nil) ?sem)) (<- (subj-pred-agree ?agr (finite ?agr ?))) (<- (subj-pred-agree ? ?infl) (atom ?infl)) (rule (S ?s :sem) ==> (:ex "Kim likes Lee" "Lee, I like _" "In god, we trust _" "Who likes Lee?" "Kim likes who?") (XP ?kind ?constituent ?wh ?x (gap nil) (gap nil) ?topic-sem) (clause (finite ? ?) ?x ? ?s (gap ?constituent) (gap nil) ?sem)) (rule (S ?s :sem) ==> ;; Commands have implied second-person subject (:ex "Give the dog a bone.") (:sem (command ?s)) (:sem (listener ?x)) (clause nonfinite ?x ext-subj ?s (gap (NP ? ? ?x)) (gap nil) ?sem)) (rule (S ?s (yes-no ?s ?sem)) ==> (:ex "Does Kim like Lee?" "Is he a doctor?") (aux-inv-S nil ?s ?sem)) (rule (S ?s :sem) ==> (:ex "Who does Kim like _?" "To whom did he give it _?" "What dog does Kim like _?") (XP ?slot ?constituent +wh ?x (gap nil) (gap nil) ?subj-sem) (aux-inv-S ?constituent ?s ?sem)) (rule (aux-inv-S ?constituent ?v :sem) ==> (:ex "Does Kim like Lee?" (who) "would Kim have liked") (aux (finite ?agr ?tense) ?needs-infl ?v ?aux-sem) (modifiers post aux ? () ?v (gap nil) (gap nil) ?mod) (clause ?needs-infl ?x int-subj ?v (gap ?constituent) (gap nil) ?clause-sem)) (rule (aux-inv-S ?ext ?v :sem) ==> (:ex "Is he a doctor?") (verb ?be (finite ?agr ?) ((?role ?n ?xp) . ?slots) ?v ?sem) (:test (word ?be be)) (subject ?agr ?x (?role ?n ?xp) int-subj (gap nil) (gap nil) ?subj-sem) (:sem (?role ?v ?x)) (modifiers post verb ? ?slots ?v (gap ?ext) (gap nil) ?mod-sem)) (<- (slot-constituent (?role ?n (NP ?x)) (NP ?agr ?case ?x) ?x ?h)) (<- (slot-constituent (?role ?n (clause ?word ?infl)) (clause ?word ?infl ?v) ?v ?h)) (<- (slot-constituent (?role ?n (PP ?prep ?np)) (PP ?prep ?role ?np ?h) ?np ?h)) (<- (slot-constituent (?role ?n it) (it ? ? ?x) ?x ?)) (<- (slot-constituent (manner 3 (advp ?x)) (advp ?v) ? ?v)) (<- (slot-constituent (?role ?n (VP ?infl ?x)) *** ? ?)) (<- (slot-constituent (?role ?n (Adj ?x)) *** ?x ?)) (<- (slot-constituent (?role ?n (P ?particle)) *** ? ?)) (rule (complement ?cat ?info (?role ?n ?xp) ?h ?gap1 ?gap2 :sem) ==> ;; A complement is anything expected by a slot (:sem (?role ?h ?x)) (:test (slot-constituent (?role ?n ?xp) ?constituent ?x ?h)) (XP ?xp ?constituent ?wh ?x ?gap1 ?gap2 ?sem)) (rule (XP (PP ?prep ?np) (PP ?prep ?role ?np ?h) ?wh ?np ?gap1 ?gap2 ?sem) ==> (PP ?prep ?role ?wh ?np ?h ?gap1 ?gap2 ?sem)) (rule (XP (NP ?x) (NP ?agr ?case ?x) ?wh ?x ?gap1 ?gap2 ?sem) ==> (NP ?agr ?case ?wh ?x ?gap1 ?gap2 ?sem)) (rule (XP it (it ? ? ?x) -wh ?x ?gap ?gap t) ==> (:word it)) (rule (XP (clause ?word ?infl) (clause ?word ?infl ?v) -wh ?v ?gap1 ?gap2 ?sem) ==> (:ex (he thinks) "that she is tall") (opt-word ?word) (clause ?infl ?x int-subj ?v ?gap1 ?gap2 ?sem)) (rule (XP (?role ?n (advp ?v)) (advp ?v) ?wh ?v ?gap1 ?gap2 ?sem) ==> (advp ?wh ?v ?gap1 ?gap2 ?sem)) (rule (opt-word ?word) ==> (:word ?word)) (rule (opt-word (?word)) ==> (:word ?word)) (rule (opt-word (?word)) ==>) (rule (XP (VP ?infl ?x) *** -wh ?v ?gap1 ?gap2 ?sem) ==> (:ex (he promised her) "to sleep") (VP ?infl ?x ?subj-slot ?v ?gap1 ?gap2 ?sem)) (rule (XP (Adj ?x) *** -wh ?x ?gap ?gap ?sem) ==> (Adj ?x ?sem)) (rule (XP (P ?particle) *** -wh ?x ?gap ?gap t) ==> (prep ?particle t)) (rule (verb ?verb ?infl ?slots ?v :sem) ==> (:word ?verb) (:test (word ?verb verb ?infl ?senses) (member (?sem . ?subcats) ?senses) (member ?slots ?subcats) (tense-sem ?infl ?v ?tense-sem)) (:sem ?tense-sem) (:sem (?sem ?v))) (<- (tense-sem (finite ? ?tense) ?v (?tense ?v))) (<- (tense-sem -ing ?v (progressive ?v))) (<- (tense-sem -en ?v (past-participle ?v))) (<- (tense-sem infinitive ?v t)) (<- (tense-sem nonfinite ?v t)) (<- (tense-sem passive ?v (passive ?v))) (rule (aux ?infl ?needs-infl ?v ?tense-sem) ==> (:word ?aux) (:test (word ?aux aux ?infl ?needs-infl) (tense-sem ?infl ?v ?tense-sem))) (rule (aux (finite ?agr ?tense) nonfinite ?v (?sem ?v)) ==> (:word ?modal) (:test (word ?modal modal ?sem ?tense))) (rule (noun ?agr ?slots ?x (?sem ?x)) ==> (:word ?noun) (:test (word ?noun noun ?agr ?slots ?sem))) (rule (pronoun ?agr ?case ?wh ?x (?quant ?x (?sem ?x))) ==> (:word ?pro) (:test (word ?pro pronoun ?agr ?case ?wh ?sem) (if (= ?wh +wh) (= ?quant wh) (= ?quant pro)))) (rule (name ?agr ?name) ==> (:word ?name) (:test (word ?name name ?agr))) (rule (adj ?x (?sem ?x)) ==> (:word ?adj) (:test (word ?adj adj ?sem))) (rule (adj ?x ((nth ?n) ?x)) ==> (ordinal ?n)) (rule (art ?agr ?quant) ==> (:word ?art) (:test (word ?art art ?agr ?quant))) (rule (prep ?prep t) ==> (:word ?prep) (:test (word ?prep prep))) (rule (adverb ?wh ?x ?sem) ==> (:word ?adv) (:test (word ?adv adv ?wh ?pred) (if (= ?wh +wh) (= ?sem (wh ?y (?pred ?x ?y))) (= ?sem (?pred ?x))))) (rule (cardinal ?n ?agr) ==> (:ex "five") (:word ?num) (:test (word ?num cardinal ?n ?agr))) (rule (cardinal ?n ?agr) ==> (:ex "5") (:word ?n) (:test (numberp ?n) (if (= ?n 1) (= ?agr (- - + -)) ;3sing (= ?agr (- - - +))))) ;3plur (rule (ordinal ?n) ==> (:ex "fifth") (:word ?num) (:test (word ?num ordinal ?n))) (abbrev 1sing (+ - - -)) (abbrev 1plur (- + - -)) (abbrev 3sing (- - + -)) (abbrev 3plur (- - - +)) (abbrev 2pers (- - - -)) (abbrev ~3sing (? ? - ?)) (abbrev v/intrans ((agt 1 (NP ?)))) (abbrev v/trans ((agt 1 (NP ?)) (obj 2 (NP ?)))) (abbrev v/ditrans ((agt 1 (NP ?)) (goal 2 (NP ?)) (obj 3 (NP ?)))) (abbrev v/trans2 ((agt 1 (NP ?)) (obj 2 (NP ?)) (goal 2 (PP to ?)))) (abbrev v/trans4 ((agt 1 (NP ?)) (obj 2 (NP ?)) (ben 2 (PP for ?)))) (abbrev v/it-null ((nil 1 it))) (abbrev v/opt-that ((exp 1 (NP ?)) (con 2 (clause (that) (finite ? ?))))) (abbrev v/subj-that ((con 1 (clause that (finite ? ?))) (exp 2 (NP ?)))) (abbrev v/it-that ((nil 1 it) (exp 2 (NP ?)) (con 3 (clause that (finite ? ?))))) (abbrev v/inf ((agt 1 (NP ?x)) (con 3 (VP infinitive ?x)))) (abbrev v/promise ((agt 1 (NP ?x)) (goal (2) (NP ?y)) (con 3 (VP infinitive ?x)))) (abbrev v/persuade ((agt 1 (NP ?x)) (goal 2 (NP ?y)) (con 3 (VP infinitive ?y)))) (abbrev v/want ((agt 1 (NP ?x)) (con 3 (VP infinitive ?x)))) (abbrev v/p-up ((agt 1 (NP ?)) (pat 2 (NP ?)) (nil 3 (P up)))) (abbrev v/pp-for ((agt 1 (NP ?)) (pat 2 (PP for ?)))) (abbrev v/pp-after ((agt 1 (NP ?)) (pat 2 (PP after ?)))) (verb (ask) (query v/ditrans)) (verb (delete) (delete v/trans)) (verb (do did done doing does) (perform v/trans)) (verb (eat ate eaten) (eat v/trans)) (verb (give gave given giving) (give-1 v/trans2 v/ditrans) (donate v/trans v/intrans)) (verb (go went gone going goes)) (verb (have had had having has) (possess v/trans)) (verb (know knew known) (know-that v/opt-that) (know-of v/trans)) (verb (like) (like-1 v/trans)) (verb (look) (look-up v/p-up) (search v/pp-for) (take-care v/pp-after) (look v/intrans)) (verb (move moved moved moving moves) (self-propel v/intrans) (transfer v/trans2)) (verb (persuade) (persuade v/persuade)) (verb (promise) (promise v/promise)) (verb (put put put putting)) (verb (rain) (rain v/it-null)) (verb (saw) (cut-with-saw v/trans v/intrans)) (verb (see saw seen seeing) (understand v/intrans v/opt-that) (look v/trans) (dating v/trans)) (verb (sleep slept) (sleep v/intrans)) (verb (surprise) (surprise v/subj-that v/it-that)) (verb (tell told) (tell v/persuade)) (verb (trust) (trust v/trans ((agt 1 (NP ?)) (obj 2 (PP in ?))))) (verb (try tried tried trying tries) (attempt v/inf)) (verb (visit) (visit v/trans)) (verb (want) (desire v/want v/persuade)) (word have aux nonfinite -en) (word have aux (finite ~3sing present) -en) (word has aux (finite 3sing present) -en) (word had aux (finite ? past) -en) (word having aux -ing -en) (word do aux (finite ~3sing present) nonfinite) (word does aux (finite 3sing present) nonfinite) (word did aux (finite ? past) nonfinite) (word to aux infinitive nonfinite) (copula '((nil ((nil 1 (NP ?x)) (nil 2 (Adj ?x)))) (is-a ((exp 1 (NP ?x)) (arg2 2 (NP ?y)))) (is-loc ((exp 1 (NP ?x)) (?prep 2 (PP ?prep ?))))) '((be nonfinite -ing) (been -en -ing) (being -ing -en) (am (finite 1sing present) -ing) (is (finite 3sing present) -ing) (are (finite 2pers present) -ing) (were (finite (- - ? ?) past) -ing) ; 2nd sing or pl (was (finite (? - ? -) past) -ing))) ; 1st or 3rd sing (word can modal able past) (word could modal able present) (word may modal possible past) (word might modal possible present) (word shall modal mandatory past) (word should modal mandatory present) (word will modal expected past) (word would modal expected present) (word must modal necessary present) (word not not) (noun destruction * destruction (pat (2) (PP of ?)) (agt (2) (PP by ?))) (noun beach) (noun bone) (noun box boxes) (noun city cities) (noun color) (noun cube) (noun doctor) (noun dog dogs) (noun enemy enemies) (noun file) (noun friend friends friend (friend-of (2) (PP of ?))) (noun furniture *) (noun hat) (noun man men) (noun saw) (noun woman women) (word I pronoun 1sing (common nom) -wh speaker) (word we pronoun 1plur (common nom) -wh speaker+other) (word you pronoun 2pers (common ?) -wh listener) (word he pronoun 3sing (common nom) -wh male) (word she pronoun 3sing (common nom) -wh female) (word it pronoun 3sing (common ?) -wh anything) (word they pronoun 3plur (common nom) -wh anything) (word me pronoun 1sing (common obj) -wh speaker) (word us pronoun 1plur (common obj) -wh speaker+other) (word him pronoun 3sing (common obj) -wh male) (word her pronoun 3sing (common obj) -wh female) (word them pronoun 3plur (common obj) -wh anything) (word my pronoun 1sing gen -wh speaker) (word our pronoun 1plur gen -wh speaker+other) (word your pronoun 2pers gen -wh listener) (word his pronoun 3sing gen -wh male) (word her pronoun 3sing gen -wh female) (word its pronoun 3sing gen -wh anything) (word their pronoun 3plur gen -wh anything) (word whose pronoun 3sing gen +wh anything) (word who pronoun ? (common ?) +wh person) (word whom pronoun ? (common obj) +wh person) (word what pronoun ? (common ?) +wh thing) (word which pronoun ? (common ?) +wh thing) (word who rel-pro ? person) (word which rel-pro ? thing) (word that rel-pro ? thing) (word whom rel-pro (common obj) person) (word God name 3sing) (word Lynn name 3sing) (word Jan name 3sing) (word Mary name 3sing) (word John name 3sing) (word NY name 3sing) (word Kim name 3sing) (word LA name 3sing) (word Lee name 3sing) (word SF name 3sing) (word big adj big) (word bad adj bad) (word old adj old) (word smart adj smart) (word green adj green) (word red adj red) (word tall adj tall) (word fun adj fun) (word quickly adv -wh quickly) (word slowly adv -wh slowly) (word where adv +wh loc) (word when adv +wh time) (word why adv +wh reason) (word how adv +wh manner) (word the art 3sing the) (word the art 3plur group) (word a art 3sing a) (word an art 3sing a) (word every art 3sing every) (word each art 3sing each) (word all art 3sing all) (word some art ? some) (word this art 3sing this) (word that art 3sing that) (word these art 3plur this) (word those art 3plur that) (word what art ? wh) (word which art ? wh) ;; This puts in numbers up to twenty, as if by ;; (word five cardinal 5 3plur) ;; (word fifth ordinal 5) (dotimes (i 21) (add-word (read-from-string (format nil "~r" i)) 'cardinal i (if (= i 1) '3sing '3plur)) (add-word (read-from-string (format nil "~:r" i)) 'ordinal i)) (word above prep) (word about prep) (word around prep) (word across prep) (word after prep) (word against prep) (word along prep) (word at prep) (word away prep) (word before prep) (word behind prep) (word below prep) (word beyond prep) (word by prep) (word down prep) (word for prep) (word from prep) (word in prep) (word of prep) (word off prep) (word on prep) (word out prep) (word over prep) (word past prep) (word since prep) (word through prep)(word throughout prep) (word till prep) (word to prep) (word under prep) (word until prep) (word up prep) (word with prep) (word without prep)