COM1101 Winter 2001 Prof. Futrelle -- Midterm Exam Topics

A good deal of important ideas have been covered in the lengthy discussion that I have written for Quiz #2.

The list below goes systematically through your textbook, emphasizing important material that will be covered on the Midterm exam on Wednesday, February 14th. Of course not every topic mentioned below can be included on a single midterm. But I have confined the list to a rather small set of topics so you can concentrate your energies and not simply study hundreds of pages without guidance.

Summarizing the topics empahsized below, I would say that most importantly, you need to understand function definitions and use, including value and reference parameters, class definitions including definition and use of member functions, and arrays, including their use in functions.

In keeping with my discussion of Quiz #2, there will be no cases in which standard I/O will be used on the Midterm. Also, no file I/O. The overuse of cin and cout has caused confusion about the passing of values to functions when they are called and the return of values by functions as their result after they have executed.

  1. Chapter 2 covers the basics of C++. You should know thoroughly everything in this one chapter, but ignore all discussions of cin and cout.

  2. For Chapter 3 you do not have to memorize predefined function names such as sqrt(), Table 3.2. You must know how to properly write a function call. You must know how to define a function, with a return type and types specs for arguments. You must know the difference between a prototype, no "{...}" and a definition. Definitions must have formal parameter names. The prototype and definition arg lists much match in detail, but not the formal parameter names. Local variables: Exist only when the function is running; vanish when it ends (unless returned). (Exceptions for reference variables and pointers, but not in this chapter.) The concept of call-by-value. How globals are used and how they can be overridden by redefinition in other scopes. I have not stressed overloading functions; it will not be on the Midterm.

  3. Chapter 4 discusses void functions; they can have no return statement and nothing can be assigned to when they return -- they return no value of any kind. There will most likely be one simple question on the use of a reference parameter, e.g., is the expression 3 == fun(2) true when a certain definition I'll give you of fun() is given using a reference parameter or I ask you to write such a function. The summary on pg. 191 might help. Of course functions can call other functions. That's a nice concept that I can use to test your understanding, e.g., the value of fun1(3, fun2(677, fun6(1))).

    Here's something that you might call a trick question, but that illustrates important principles. I could give you function definitions, some of which pass by value and some by reference. Only the ones that pass by reference can change their arguments. Changes to arguments passed by value are lost unless specifically returned with a return statement. If you can sort this out in an example such as the fun1, fun2, fun6 example above, you'll do fine.

  4. Because of my concerns about the overemphasis on I/O, I'm going to skip Chapter 5 on the Midterm. (Isn't that nice ;-)

  5. Chapter 6 on classes is important. It's your first introduction to object-oriented programming. I will ask very basic questions about classes, similar to the ones on Quiz #2. This is material you'll have to study carefully. You must clearly understand the difference between classes and instances (the latter are also called "objects"). A class is a design, a template that lays out what data each object can contain, its member variables, and what functions can operate on an object, its member functions. Thus, the Car class may state that each and every car object will have its own speed and its own position as well as the function setSpeed(double s) that sets the speed of a single car to the value in s. Thus if c1 is a Car instance and c2 is a Car instance, they both can be given their own speeds, by calling c1.setSpeed(33.3) and c2.setSpeed(14.7). Member functions can only be applied to instances of a class not to classes. In this chapter you can look briefly at Sec. 6.1 on structures, but focus on Sec. 6.2. We will not discuss constructors (Sec. 6.3) for now and they will not be on the Midterm. They will be on the Final and you may find them useful in your labs. You must know how to write an ADT (which you all seem to know) but most importantly how to define and use member functions. THIS IS IMPORTANT. KNOW HOW TO CORRECTLY DEFINE AND USE MEMBER FUNCTIONS. This will include the important operation of defining a variable of the appropriate type, e.g., Car c1; Then you can use dot notation with the instance. Another point to understand well is this: The member variables of a class are available to all member functions just as if they had been declared as local variables; they should never be redeclared in a member function and no member function should have formal arguments with the same names as member variables.

  6. Most of you appear to know the basic flow-of-control statements in Chapter 7. I will assume that you know the basics but not test you on messy examples. We'll use them in simple examples, or I may give the code to you and you'll simply have to understand how it works.

  7. Chapter 8 material will not be on the Midterm.

  8. The final topic is arrays, portions of Chapter 9. These are very important constructs, so you must know the basics of arrays. Review my discussion of Quiz #2 on these matters for starters. You need to know how to declare them and access them. And furthermore, know how to define functions and classes that use arrays and how to use them as arguments and return them from functions.

  9. Pointers: Nothing on pointers on the Midterm. But definitely on the Final.
[Boy, I'm glad I can type fast. You never would have gotten all this if I couldn't! After some preparation, it took me an hour to write. If you don't touch type, learn. It helps.]