Spring 2006 CS G140 Computer Graphics Assignment 3

Assignment 3

Professor Harriet Fell


In this assignment, you will continue to build your ray tracer. The required features to add this time are: planes, triangles, texture and bump maps.

General description

  • Continue to develop the ray tracing program you started in the last assignments. Your scene will again consist of a number of objects, with each given by its

  • At least one of your spheres must be reflective to show the reflection of you planar textures and bump.

  • At least one of your spheres must have a bump map.

  • At least one of your planes (or triangles/polygons) must have an algebraic texture map.

  • At least one of your planes (or triangles/polygons) must have an image texture map.

  • At least one of your planes (or triangles/polygons) must have a bump map.

    See Building a Ray Tracer - Page Two and Building a Ray Tracer - Page Three for sample images. Note that the small images on those pages are links to larger images.


    By midnight Tuesday, March 21, 2006


    The usual grading guidelines apply for late work.

    The breakdown for grading is:

    Harriet Fell
    College of Computer Science, Northeastern University
    360 Huntington Avenue #202 WVH,
    Boston, MA 02115
    email: graphics@harrietfell.com
    Phone: (617) 373-2198 / Fax: (617) 373-5121

    Last Updated: February 17, 2006, 4:02 p.m.
    The URL for this document is: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/fell/CSG140/CSG140SP2006prog3.html