The Animal Menagerie

So, who and what are all these animals I talk about, anyway?

Pterry and Pooh Hubert

Pooh, Pterry, and Hubert.


Pooh is my first (and only) teddy bear. I got him when I was about one and a half years old, apparently. He used to have a red shirt, but that disappeared when I was about eight, I think. I used to spin him around by his arms and legs, which explain why they look somewhat beat up now.


Hubert is Laura's stuffed Lion. She's had him for a quite long time, although I'm not sure quite how long. Hubert is the mascot of the Harris Bank, where Laura's father worked for a while. This Hubert is an early version of the Harris lion; later Huberts have glasses and are smaller.


Pterry is a pterodactyl, as you might imagine. He runs around, makes loud noises, and scares small animals. I got him for Laura for her college graduation (BA in Chinese [Laura, not Pterry]).