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How to Submit a Project

To submit a project, you will copy the contents of your work directory to a specified location within the turnin directory.1 We will specify the name of the subdirectory under turnin as part of the assignment. I will consider the contents of turnin/project-name as of the project deadline to be your submission.

In the instructions that follow, I'll use these abbreviations:

the location of your working copy. Example: ~/classes/670/work.

the location of some temporary space in your account. Important: this must not be part of your working copy! Example: ~/tmp.

the name of your team's part of the SVN repository. (I'll email this to you when I create your team's space.) Example: jabra-ventz.

the name of the turnin directory, as specified by the assignment. Example: project-02.

To submit a project, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you've committed all your changes to the repository. Be especially sure that you've added all the necessary files to the repository and committed them.

  2. cd <TMP>

  3. svn checkout -N<TEAM>/turnin

  4. cd turnin

  5. svn mkdir <PRJ>

  6. svn commit -m "Added submission directory for project 3"

  7. svn merge <PRJ>@HEAD <WORK>@HEAD <PRJ>

    After this command, <PRJ> will be an exact copy of <WORK>.

  8. svn commit <PRJ>

  9. You should probably change to the <PRJ> directory at this point and make sure your program compiles and runs. Running the test cases is a good idea, too.

    If you find a problem, then make the necessary changes within <WORK> and repeat from step 7.

Once <PRJ> looks like you want it to, you can delete the <TMP>/turnin directory that you created above.

Finally, you only need to do this once per team.

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Richard Cobbe 2007-01-16