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You must create three scripts (or other executables, if you prefer) within your work directory. These scripts must be executable, and they should have the following behavior:

compiles your project. This script must exist, but it can be a NOP if your language doesn't require a specific compilation step.

Run your project. This script may assume that I have already run compile.

Runs your project's test cases. Again, this script may assume that I have already run compile. The precise output of this script is up to you, but it should finish by printing a line indicating how many test cases it ran, how many succeeded, and how many failed.

If, for instance, you have chosen to implement your projects in C++ with a Makefile, then the compile script would simply call make with the appropriate arguments.

These scripts must run on the college's Solaris network. They should not make any further assumptions about the environment in which they are run; this includes things like $PATH settings.

Richard Cobbe 2007-01-16