/* TUCombiner.java
 * Bryan Chadwick :: 2007
 * TypeUnifying Combiner... Still a work in progress */

package edu.neu.ccs.demeterf;
import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.control.MutableControl;
import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.dispatch.*;
import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.parallel.ParTraversal;
import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.stackless.HeapTrav;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

/** A Helper Class to implement something like SYB queries.  To use this class,
 *    you must implement at least three methods:
 *    <ul><li><font size=4><code>public T combine(){ ... }</code></font><br/> No parameters, the
 *            return becomes the default value for traversal leafs</li>
 *        <li><font size=4><code>public T fold(T acc, T one){ ... }</code></font><br/> Folds
 *            together two <code>T</code>s for unification of compound objects</li>
 *        <li>Then you just need to implement <code>T combine(X x)</code> for interesting
 *            types, that will add to the final accumulated value.</li>
 *    </ul>
 *    The easiest way to use TUCombiner is to subclass, and create a wrapper method:
 * <style type='text/css'>
 *   .def{ color: #000000; }
 *   .grade{
 *      border: solid #FF0000 1px;
 *      background-color: #FFFF60;
 *   }
 *   .gcom{ font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC0C0; }
 *   .com{ font-style: italic; color: #880000; }
 *   .keyw{ font-weight: bold; color: #000088; }
 *   .num{ color: #00AA00; }
 *   .func{ color: #BB7733; }
 *   .str{ color: #CC00AB; }
 *   .prim{ color: #0000FF; }
 * </style>
 * <blockquote><code><pre>
 * </span><span class="def">   </span><span class="com">// Example Binary Tree Representation...</span><span class="def">
 *    </span><span class="keyw">abstract</span><span class="def"> </span><span class="keyw">class</span><span class="def"> BTree{}
 *    </span><span class="keyw">class</span><span class="def"> Leaf </span><span class="keyw">extends</span><span class="def"> BTree{
 *       </span><span class="keyw">int</span><span class="def"> data;
 *       </span><span class="func">Leaf</span><span class="def">(</span><span class="keyw">int</span><span class="def"> i){ data = i; }
 *    }
 *    </span><span class="keyw">class</span><span class="def"> Node </span><span class="keyw">extends</span><span class="def"> BTree{
 *       BTree left, right;
 *       </span><span class="func">Node</span><span class="def">(BTree l, BTree r){ left = l; right = r; }
 *    }
 *    </span><span class="com">// Concrete TUCombiner Class
 *    //    Counts the number of Leafs in a BTree instance</span><span class="def">
 *    </span><span class="keyw">class</span><span class="def"> CountLeafs </span><span class="keyw">extends</span><span class="def"> TUCombiner<</span><span class="prim">Integer</span><span class="def">>{
 *       </span><span class="keyw">public</span><span class="def"> </span><span class="prim">Integer</span><span class="def"> </span><span class="func">combine</span><span class="def">(){ </span><span class="keyw">return</span><span class="def"> </span><span class="num">0</span><span class="def">; }
 *       </span><span class="keyw">public</span><span class="def"> </span><span class="prim">Integer</span><span class="def"> </span><span class="func">fold</span><span class="def">(</span><span class="prim">Integer</span><span class="def"> i, </span><span class="prim">Integer</span><span class="def"> j){ </span><span class="keyw">return</span><span class="def"> i+j; }
 *       </span><span class="keyw">int</span><span class="def"> </span><span class="func">combine</span><span class="def">(Leaf l){ </span><span class="keyw">return</span><span class="def"> </span><span class="num">1</span><span class="def">; }
 *       </span><span class="keyw">static</span><span class="def"> </span><span class="keyw">int</span><span class="def"> </span><span class="func">leafs</span><span class="def">(BTree t){
 *          </span><span class="keyw">return</span><span class="def"> TUCombiner.</span><span class="func">traverse</span><span class="def">(t, </span><span class="keyw">new</span><span class="def"> </span><span class="func">CountLeafs</span><span class="def">());
 *       }
 *    } </span>
 *    </pre></code></blockquote>
 *    <p>TUCombiner will make sure that the <code>Leaf</code> class becomes an actual
 *    <i>leaf</i> of the traversal, because the combine method only takes one parameter.
 *    If there are other cases that we care about we can add more <code>combine</code>
 *    methods, one for each to be considered a <i>value producing</i> leaf with a
 *    return type <code>T</code>.</p>
 *    For <i>non-leaf</i> classes of interest, you can write a normal combine methods
 *    (more than one parameter) for special cases, but the recursive results of fields
 *    will always be of type T unless you handle the or to use non-type-unifying traversal
 *    for a portion of the data structure.
public abstract class TU<T> extends FC{
        // Type Unifying combiner (TU)
        // Default for objects without fields (unless handled earlier) 
        public T combine(Object o1){ return combine(); }

        /** A Bunch of simple Object* methods to catch all the rest */
        public T combine(Object o1, T o2) 
        { return simplify(o2); }
        public T combine(Object o1, T o2, T o3)
        { return simplify(o2,o3); }
        public T combine(Object o1, T o2, T o3, T o4)
        { return simplify(o2,o3,o4); }
        public T combine(Object o1, T o2, T o3, T o4, T o5)
        { return simplify(o2,o3,o4,o5); }
        public T combine(Object o1, T o2, T o3, T o4, T o5, T o6)
        { return simplify(o2,o3,o4,o5,o6); }
        public T combine(Object o1, T o2, T o3, T o4, T o5, T o6, T o7)
        { return simplify(o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7); }
        public T combine(Object o1, T o2, T o3, T o4, T o5, T o6, T o7, T o8)
        { return simplify(o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7,o8); }
        public T combine(Object o1, T o2, T o3, T o4, T o5, T o6, T o7, T o8, T o9)
        { return simplify(o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7,o8,o9); }
        public T combine(Object o1, T o2, T o3, T o4, T o5, T o6, T o7, T o8, T o9, T o10)
        { return simplify(o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7,o8,o9,o10); }

        //** More if needed...

        /** The simplify for an array... called from above */
        T simplify(T ... o){ return simplify(o, o[0], 1); }

        /** Recursive fold over the array */
        T simplify(T o[], T t, int i){
            if(i >= o.length)return t;
            return simplify(o, fold(t, o[i]), i+1);

        // * * * * Actual Stuff... * * * *
        // Clients extend TUCombiner and implement the methods below.

        /** Perform one step of the combination */
        public abstract T fold(T accum, T one);

        /** Default combine (must be implemented for safety) */
        public abstract T combine();
        /** Use this to do a TU Traversal of an Object. It reflects on the given TUCombiner, and sees what you're
         *    interested in (single argument combine methods), making those
         *    classes BuiltIns */
        public T traverse(Object o){
            return new Traversal(this, control(this, Control.builtins())).<T>traverse(o);
        /** Use this to do a TU Traversal of an Object with a given Control
         *    for optimization purposes. <i>Note</i>: The function object is <b>not</b> run on <i>bypassed</i> edges, so
         *    your methods *must* handle these edges correctly.  */
        public T traverse(Object o, MutableControl c){
            return new Traversal(this, control(this, c)).<T>traverse(o);
        /** TU Traversal On the Heap instead of the stack  */
        public T traverseHeap(Object o){
            return new HeapTrav(this, control(this, Control.builtins())).<T>traverse(o);
        /** TU Traversal On the Heap instead of the stack, with the given control */
        public T traverseHeap(Object o, MutableControl c){
            return new HeapTrav(this, control(this, c)).<T>traverse(o);
        /** Uses ParTraversal to do combines in parallel */
        public static <R> R traversePar(Object o, TU<R> tuc){
            return new ParTraversal(tuc, control(tuc, Control.builtins())).<R>traverse(o);
        /** Uses ParTraversal to do combines in parallel */
        public static <R> R traversePar(Object o, TU<R> tuc, MutableControl c){
            return new ParTraversal(tuc, control(tuc, c)).<R>traverse(o);
        /** Collect the implied control from the TUCombiner's signatures and add it
         *    to the given MutableControl */
        protected static <R> MutableControl control(TU<R> tuc, MutableControl c){
            for(DBEntry<Method> dbe : MethodDB.getMethods(tuc.getClass(), FC.buildMethodName)){
                if(dbe.numArgs() == 1 && !dbe.arg(0).equals(Object.class))
            return c;