CS 4740 / CS 6740: Network Security

CS 4740 / CS 6740: Network Security


Networks security is a topic that requires as much attention to its real-world implications as its theoretical underpinnings. The CS 4740/6740 Network Security course allows the students to explore the practical elements of networks security and related design, and deployment decisions in a supervised laboratory, while simultaneously acquiring a strong conceptual knowledge of the underlying theory in the more traditional classroom environment. The combination of these elements provides students with a vivid picture of why and how networked systems and applications must be designed, implemented, deployed, and maintained in a secure fashion. The course goals are multi-fold:


Amirali Sanatinia (amirali ATA ccs DOTA neu DOTA edu)
Office: 208 West Village H

Class Information

Wednesday 5:30 pm - 8:50 pm, Behrakis Health Sciences Cntr 325
Recommended Textbook
Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World Charles Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner, Pearson Education, April 2002
Announcements, discussions, forums
All announcements and discussions will be through piazza : https://piazza.com/northeastern/summer2016/cs6740/.
Knowledge of Internet networking protocols (e.g, a Networking course).

Laboratory assignments will be on the course sandboxed network of virual machines and infrastructure (See Laboratory 1).

Class Materials


Problem Sets
  • PS1 [solution]

  • PS2 [solution]

  • PS3 [solution]

  • PS4 [solution]

  • PS5 [solution]

Lab Assignments
All laboratory assignments will be carried in virtual network environment accessible through a VPN connection.
Finals Project
The final project will build on the problem sets design and programming assignments. Each team of students will be required to design, implement, and deploy a secure instant messaging system. The student will practice developing secure networked applications, making use of cryptographic libraries, socket programming, and multi-threaded applications. The programming language of choice for this year is Python.



The course grade will be based on: