Northeastern University

CS 4740/6740 - Network Security

Problem Set 1: Cryptography

Each student should submit his own report: NO TEAM work.

Late submissions will result in a 10% penalty per day (e.g., 2.5 days late result in 25% penalty)

1. Application of Cryptography

Write a Java application that can be used to encrypt and sign a file to be sent by email. The sender knows the public key of the destination, and has a private key to sign the file. The application can also be used by the receiver to decrypt the file using his private key and to verify the signature using the public key of the sender. Design the application to be efficient (i.e., use a combination of public key crypto and symmteric key crypto). Design and implement your own application. Justify the use of key sizes, algorithms and modes.

For the implementation part, you can use the Sun JCE crypto-library or Bouncy Castle ( Please refer to the Jave JCE documentation for a starting point about JCE (remember that DES is considered insecure today).

The application should operate as follows. For encryption and signatures:

and for decryption and signature verification:

Note the following:


Code compiles (10 pts)

Justification of usage of algorithms, key sizes and modes (10 pts)

Code quality (20 pts):

Code runs as expected (60 pts)