Research Project:
Electronic Cash

In collarboration with Dr. Yair Frankel of Sandia National Research Laboratory and my Ph.D. student, Yiannis Tsiounis, we have considered the design of electronic cash. We combine both Brands and Okamoto schemes to create an efficient off-line divisible electronic cash scheme. We continue to look at the applications of Discrete Logarithm and Zero-Knowledge proofs to other aspects of electronic cash.


A. Chan, Y. Frankel and Y. Tsiounis, ``An Efficient Off-Line Electronic Cash Scheme as Secure as RSA'', Tech Report NU-CCS-96-03

A. Chan, Y. Frankel, and Y. Tsiounis, ``How to Break and Repair E-cash Protocols Based on the Representation Problem'', Tech Report NU-CCS-96-05

A. Chan, Y. Frankel, P. MacKenzie, and Y. Tsiounis, ``Mis-representation of identities in e-cash schemes and how to prevent it'', Asiacrypt 96 (LNCS 1163), Kyongju, S. Korea, pages 276--285.

A. Chan, Y. Frankel and Y. Tsiounis, ``Easy come/easy go divisible cash''. Submitted for publication.