CS U380 - Lab 4, Spring, 2009

Adapted from: CS61C, UCBerkeley

Debugging MIPS


Think about these questions before you try the lab. They should make the lab easier.

    1. In MARS, how do you get the program to continue after it stops at a breakpoint?

    2. In MARS, how do you step through a stopped program?

    3. What are the registers that correspond to &source[0] and &dest[0] in this lab's C program?


This week's lab tests your debugging skills. You will be given a C program and two potential MIPS programs that are supposed to implement the C code. Each has (at least) one bug. Load these MIPS programs into MARS, set breakpoints to see the state of the loop, correct the bugs, and give me a paper copy of the required files. Copy lab4a.s and lab4b.s from /course/csu380jc/.www/lab4.


This program just copies the given array from source to dest, but stops and does not copy when it finds a 0 (in the last element).

Here is the C version:
main( ) {
  int *sourceptr;
  int *destptr;
  int source[7] = {3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 0}
  int dest[7];
  sourceptr = source;
  destptr = dest;
  while (*sourceptr != 0) {
      *destptr = *sourceptr;

Here is the first MIPS version (from a teacher's lecture notes):

Assume that $s0 has the address of the source array, $s1 has the address of the dest array. This is in lab4a.s
loop:   lw      $t0,0($s0)
        sw      $t0,0($s1)
        addi    $s0,$s0,4
        addi    $s1,$s1,4
        bne     $t0,$0,loop 
1) Set a breakpoint at the address corresponding to instruction labeled by "loop". Run the program and look at the values of the registers.

2) What is/are the bug(s) in the first version?

3)Modify the code to fix the bugs and run it.

Here is the second MIPS version in lab4b.s:

loop:   addi    $s0,$s0,4
        addi    $s1,$s1,4
        lw      $t0,0($s0)
        sw      $t0,0($s1)
        bne     $t0,$0,loop

4) Set the breakpoint at the loop again at "loop:" and look at the values in registers and memory.

5) What is/are the bug(s) in the second version?

6) How can you modify the code to fix it?


Get ready to explain the bugs in each version of the MIPS code. Then, get a fixed version of the code running in MARS. Then print out a copy and hand it to me.

This page last modified 10/16/2008.