CS G224 Natural Language Processing Spring 2006 -- Prof. Hafner Assignment 5 - Due Feb. 15 Extended Lexicon Assignment in preparation for parsing Part I. Revise your lexicon program Part Ia. New lexical categories and features Change the lexical categories from Penn tags to the following: Pronoun ProperNoun Noun Aux Modal Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition Determiner Conjunction 's or ' (possessive ending) All other information about words is represented using features. In your new lexicon, the structure of each definition in a lexical entry is as follows: CAT - the part of speech BASE - base or "root" form of the word Features: an attribute-value list LEX = the word itself For nouns: NUMBER = MASS, SG, PL For verbs: FORM = BASE PRES PAST PPRT ING 3PS COMP = DOBJ IOBJ TO-VP THAT-S FOR-ING FOR-TO For pronouns determiners and adverbs: WH For pronouns: REFLexive, SUBjective, ACCusative, POSSessive For adjectives and adverbs: BASE, COMParative, SUPerlative Part Ib. Vocabulary Below are some sentences we will attempt to parse, along with a variety of grammatical transformations (such as changing declarative sentences to question form, changing number and tense, and interchanging different forms of noun phrases). The words in these sentences should be included in your lexicon, along with the base forms of any words which are not themselves base forms. Remember: we are NOT using Penn tags as our lexical categories any more. Snakes bite. Harry received a warning. He looked at the grandfather clock. Hermione left the hospital wing in February. They took their usual places in Lockhart's classroom. He saw three very large owls flutter across the sky. Every statue's shadow looked like Filch. The delicious smell of baking pumpkin wafting through the corridors woke them. Hagrid asked the man who sat behind the counter for a supply of some basic potion ingredients for Harry. Ron and Hermione dropped their trowels and hurried to the edge of the forest. Harry knows the answer. Harry received chocolate frogs for Christmas. This robe belonged to your father. That wand can turn blood into water. Ron wanted to skip Herbology. Hermione started making study schedules for Harry and Ron. Harry noticed that they were straining to escape the straps holding them inside the box All the three first many very large dragons. Part II. (Not to hand in). Review the syntactic structures of English we learned in Week 4, by quizzing yourself on the sentences above, all of which were used to illustrate various grammatical concepts.