The original version of the tests.scm file provided for this assignment had an incorrect result for the multiple-shadowing-in-rhs test. The correct result of that test is 3, not 15. The test has been corrected in the current version of the tests.scm file. Please use the corrected file.

Machine Problem 9: Continuations

Out: Saturday, 5 April 2008

Due: 5 PM Friday, 11 April 2008

Submission: Individual

This assignment is to be done individually, not in pairs.


The main goal of this assignment is to give you some experience with continuation-passing interpreters.


The first three tasks involve adding features to the SIMPLE programming language by modifying an interpreter. You should submit a single interpreter that contains all of the modifications you made for the first three tasks.

For the last two tasks, you will not make any changes to any interpreters; you will merely answer questions. Your answers may include a small amount of code, but not a complete program.

  1. [4pts] Extend the SIMPLE language by adding let expressions that bind one variable. (Hint: For Task 2, you will modify let expressions to bind any number of variables, so you can complete Task 1 just by completing Task 2. Nonetheless we recommend an incremental software development process in which you complete Task 1 before Task 2.)
  2. [5pts] Extend the SIMPLE language by adding let expressions that bind any number of variables.
  3. [10pts] Extend the language you implemented for Task 2 by adding return expressions. The full syntax of the language you will implement is

    Syntax for the SIMPLE language with let and return

    Program ::= DefinitionExpression a-program (defns exp1)
    Definition ::= define Identifier = proc ( Identifier ) Expression proc-definition (id bvars body)
    Expression ::= Number const-exp (num)
    ::= Identifier var-exp (var)
    ::= Binop(Expression , Expression) binop-exp (op exp1 exp2)
    ::= if Expression then Expression else Expression if-exp (exp1 exp2 exp3)
    ::= (Expression Expression) call-exp (rator rands)
    ::= let Identifier = Expression
    let-exp (ids exps body)
    ::= return Expression return-exp (exp1)
    Binop ::= + op-plus ()
    ::= - op-minus ()
    ::= * op-times ()
    ::= < op-less()
    ::= = op-equal ()
    ::= > op-greater ()

    The semantics of
            return exp
    with continuation cont is the semantics of exp with the continuation that was most recently used to evaluate the procedure body within which the return expression appears; hence   return exp   ignores its normal continuation cont. If a return expression is executed outside the body of any procedure, then an error must be signalled and the program's execution terminated.
  4. [3pts] Assume some fixed Gödel numbering for SIMPLE programs. Assume also that
            define executeSimple = proc (n) …
    is the definition of a SIMPLE procedure that Using the SIMPLE programming language extended with choose expressions, consider whether it is possible to define a boolean-valued procedure that If it is possible to define such a procedure, then write down a definition of that procedure. If it is impossible, then explain why it is impossible.
  5. [3pts] Using the SIMPLE programming language extended with choose expressions, consider whether it is possible to define a boolean-valued procedure that If it is possible to define such a procedure, then write down a definition of that procedure. If it is impossible, then explain why it is impossible.


You are given three different interpreters for the SIMPLE programming language, and you are also given an interpreter for the SIMPLE language extended with try/catch and throw:

You may use any of those four interpreters as your starting point for Tasks 1, 2, and 3. (Hint: If you use the interpreter that implements try/catch and throw, you will need to remove those two features.) By now, you should know how to copy the code for one of those interpreters into one of your own directories.

You are also given a set of tests for Tasks 1, 2, and 3.


  1. An interpreter for the SIMPLE programming language extended with Tasks 1, 2, and 3.
  2. A tests.scm file that includes the tests you wrote for Tasks 1, 2, and 3. Those tests should be run when the top.scm file is required.
  3. A text file mp9.txt that contains your answers for Tasks 4 and 5.
  4. A Development Diary

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William D Clinger

Last modified: 7 April 2008

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