CS 5500 Assignment #10 Assigned: Tuesday, 8 April 2014 Due: Thursday, 17 April 2014 Each team will present a code review and demonstration of its semester project to the entire class. This high-level review should be at least 15 minutes long and should last no longer than 30 minutes. You should also be prepared to answer up to 5 minutes of questions following or during your presentation. Every member of every team should contribute to these code reviews. You are not expected to review all of the code your team wrote for its semester project, but you should provide a thorough review of the code for at least one substantial module of your team project. Your review will be graded on these criteria: 1. naming and crediting the members of your team 2. acknowledging third party content 3. readability of your code 4. clarity and thoroughness of your review --------------------------------------------------