CS 5500 Assignment #1. Assigned: Thursday, 9 January 2014 Due: Thursday, 16 January 2014 To get any credit for this assignment, you must sign up for the CS 5500 Piazza discussion board. The online course syllabus contains a link to the Piazza signup page. Next, you must read and think about the specification and implementations of the FMap ADT discussed in class. You must then post your constructive criticism within the "discussion of FMap" thread on the Piazza discussion board, that was initiated by the instructor. What's good about that spec and those implementations? How could they be improved? Be specific. Give reasons. Give examples. Show how something could be done better. Your criticism may take into account or take issue with criticism written by other students, but you should form your own opinions about the FMap software before you read other students' opinions, and your criticism should focus on the software itself, not on other students and their opinions. Well-written criticism that makes good points will earn more credit than poorly written criticism that doesn't really have anything to say. Anonymous posts will receive no credit at all. Submit your thoughts to the Piazza discussion board before the beginning of class on the day this assignment is due. Late assignments are unlikely to earn credit. --------------------------------------------------