CS 4500 Assignment #5. Assigned: Friday, 7 February 2014 Due: Tuesday, 18 February 2014 For this assignment, you must contribute to a crowd-sourced design of the messages and message syntaxes for the semester project software. Although this is an individual writing assignment, students are allowed (and even encouraged) to discuss the relevant issues with their teammates. On the Piazza discussion group for CS 4500, the instructor has started a thread in which students will * list every kind of message a game-playing program might have to send to the referee * list every kind of message the referee might have to send to a game-playing program * design a syntax for every message sent from a game-playing program to the referee * design a syntax for every message sent from the referee to a game-playing program The goal of this discussion is to converge upon consensus lists for messages sent in the two directions, and then to converge upon a consensus context-free grammar for messages sent from a game-playing program to the referee and another context-free grammar for messages sent from the referee to a game-playing program. The context-free grammars should be LR(1). Ideally, they should be equivalent to some LL(1) grammar as well, but this is not an absolute requirement of the assignment. Note that the LR(1) requirement implies the syntax for one message cannot be designed in isolation from the syntaxes for other messages that will be sent in the same direction. To receive credit for this assignment, you must at the very least express your approval of one list or one context-free grammar. If no lists or context-free grammars have been proposed by the end of the discussion period, you must propose one yourself. To receive full credit for this assignment, you must make a more significant contribution to the discussion by listing a kind of message that has not been listed, by explaining why some kind of message that has been listed might not be necessary, by clarifying the semantics of a message, by proposing some concrete syntax for a message, by explaining why some concrete syntax might be undesirable (or might lead to violation of the LR(1) requirement), or by explaining why you prefer one context-free grammar to another. Anonymous posts will not earn credit. Submit your thoughts to the Piazza discussion board before the beginning of class on the day this assignment is due. Late assignments are unlikely to earn credit. --------------------------------------------------