CS 4500 Assignment #1 Assigned: Friday, 5 September 2014 Due: Friday, 12 September 2014 You have heard the instructor give an extremely vague description of the semester project for CS 4500. Write a short memo, no longer than two printed pages, that summarizes what you perceive to be (or should be!) the requirements for that software. Your memo should be addressed to the instructor, and should be written as though he is the client who is commissioning the software. If you are unsure about the requirements, your memo should ask for information you would need to write a better summary of the requirements. Keep in mind that requirements are not quite the same as specifications and are definitely not architecture or design. You do not want to create a poor first impression by discussing detailed specifications or design before you and your clients have agreed on the requirements. On the other hand, you do not want to create a poor impression by failing to address major issues. The quality of your writing will be graded. Many clients, including your instructor, take a dim view of memos that contain errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or the like, and are more impressed by well-written memos in straightforward plain text than by fancy presentations of sloppy writing. Submit your memo in printed form at the beginning of class on the day it is due. There are many students in this course, so you should remember to identify yourself in your memo. Late assignments may be discounted, and very late assignments are likely to be discarded without credit. --------------------------------------------------