Logic and Computation
CS 2800 Fall 2012

College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University


All labs take place on Fridays in WVH 212, at the times and with the responsible parties shown below.

Lab #
4:20pm - 5:10pm Zhaoliang Liu Swetha Sasikumar
5:15pm - 6:05pm Zhaoliang Liu Swetha Sasikumar
3:25pm - 4:15pm
Zhaoliang Liu Ian Helmke

Here is what we will do. The first few labs will consist of practice with the various tools that will be used throughout this class: subversion and ACL2s.

After that, lab time will typically be spent on code and proof walk-throughs. Each group of students that submitted a homework together will present and defend their solution to one of the homework problems. The TA will pick that problem for you. The audience will critique this solution. At the end the defending team will get points for their presentation, assigned by the TA, with a maximum of 10 per lab and person.

Note that you must present and defend the solution to the problem that you submitted as part of the homework. (The official solution will be posted on the web by then, so there is no point showing that to everybody.) If your solution has problems, explain yourselves and your thinking, and perhaps propose a fix. Be prepared to respond to questions. (A good preparation is to compare your solution to the official solution and think about the differences.) The emphasis in grading is on the presentation, not on the correctness of the solution presented (that will be graded as part of the homework). We will avoid picking problems for you that you didn't do, or did very poorly on.

In each lab (except the first few), every homework group will present, so there will be little time -- be disciplined. The TA is instructed to interrupt you when your time is up. Failure to give a reasonable presentation + Q&A within your time slot will be grounds for a reduced score.

The (usually two) members of a homework group do not necessarily get the same number of points. If one member is absent or does not contribute at all to the presentation, he or she will get zero points. Try to balance the distribution of "air time" amongst you.

Very good questions/observations from audience members may earn the questioner points that will be added to the total for you in this lab; the maximum will remain at 10 though. In rare cases, we may award experience points (which are truly extra credit, see syllabus) for award-winning questions or observations.

Sometimes we may post extra (small) assignments for Lab preparation here.

Lab Date
Lab Assignment
Sep 07
study  Basic Version Control Usage
Sep 14
study ACL2s and install the system on your machine
Sep 21
review your HW solution to the problem emailed to you