Logic and Computation
CS 2800 Fall 2012

College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University

Exams and Quizzes

There will be two in-class midterm exams:

There will also be one final exam, time and place is tba.

All exams are pencil-and-paper and closed-book; no electronics will be allowed. However, you may take one double-sided sheet of paper to each exam, with whatever contents you like, hand-written or printed, in whatever fontsize you like.

No makeup exams will be offered. Thus be prepared to be present at both of the midterm exam dates shown above.

In addition to the exams, be prepared for a short quiz pretty much every day. Quizzes and class participation will utilize the TurningPoint clicker (see Syllabus for information on how to get one).

Previous Exams

These are provided here for your interest only. Current exams will be different, as the class is different. Treat these as practice problems, not as a "template" for what your exams will look like.
