
6 5/29: Constructors and Equality

The goal of this lab is to practice designing multiple constructors and overloading the equals method.

Finite sets

It’s often useful to represent finite sets of elements, i.e., an arbitrary number of elements with no order. There are a couple of approaches to representing a set.

Exercise 1. Develop an implementation of Set1<X> that represents a set like a list, but overrides equals to ignore the order and duplication of elements. You must satisfy the contract on equals and hashCode.

You should have two constructors: Set1() constructs an empty list. Set1(List<X> elems) constructs a set from the list of elements.

You should also develop the following methods:

// Add given element to this set

Set1<X> add(X elem)


// Subtract given element from this set

Set1<X> sub(X elem)


// Intersect this set with given set

Set1<X> intersect(Set1<X> that)


// Does this set contain given set?

Boolean contains(Set1<X> that)


// Does this set contain given element?

Boolean member(X that)

It may be useful to define your own private constructors.

Exercise 2. Develop an implementation of Set2<X> that represents a set like a list with no duplicates and overrides equals to ignore the order of elements. You must satisfy the contract on equals and hashCode and implement the same constructors and interface as above (but for Set2).

The last approach relies on an ordering of elements, which is not always possible, but if we are given an ordering, then elements can be maintained in sorted order. For this exercise, we’ll use the Java Comparator interface, which is a lot like the Comparison interface we saw in class. Have a look at the docs for Comparator to get a sense of how objects implementing this interface work.

Exercise 3. Develop an implementation of Set3<X> that represents a set as a list of sorted elements. You should have two constructors: Set3(Comparator<X> comp), which constructs an empty set using comp as the ordering on elements, and Set3(Comparator<X> comp, List<X> elems) that constructs a set from the list of elements using the given ordering. Override equals to determine if two sets are represented by the same sorted lists. You may assume the two sets use the same ordering. You must satisfy the contract on equals and hashCode and implement the same interface as above (but for Set3).

To test the third approach, you should represent sets of Integers and define your own implementation of Comparator<Integer>, perhaps using the compareTo method of the Integer class.