On this page:
5.1 Follow-up from Lab
5.2 Indexing into data

5 6/5: Indexing

Due: 6/5, midnight by svn.

Language: Java.

You must complete this assignment with your partner and should not discuss solutions with anyone but your partner and the course staff.

This assignment is due Tuesday at midnight.

5.1 Follow-up from Lab

Complete exercises 1-3 from Lab 6 and exercises 1-4 from Lab 7.

5.2 Indexing into data

A fundamental idea in CS is that data can be enumerated and indexed. So for example, we can refer the “second” element of a list, or 58th element of a list. With that in mind, develop an implementation of the following interface:

// Represents a list of Xs.

interface List<X> {

  // Get the ith element of this list (counting from zero).

  X ref(Integer i);


This method should throw an exception if the index exceeds the bounds of the list.

We can expand on this interface. For example, we can add a method that updates a position in a list to hold a new value:

// Update ith element to be given value.

List<X> set(Integer i, X val);

(Again, this method should throw an exception if the index exceeds the bounds of the list.)

This works well for updating a list to produce another list, but we could also expect the update to communicate the change everywhere that reference the list. To do that, we must use mutation:

// EFFECT: Update ith element to be given value.

void setBang(Integer i, X val);

Develop both of these methods.