import tester.*; class Person { String name; Bank acct; Person(String name, Bank acct) { = name; this.acct = acct; } // EFFECT: this persons bank accout is updated by given amount. void paycheck(Integer amt) { this.acct.deposit(amt); // = "Fred"; } } class Bank { Integer dollars; Bank(Integer dollars) { this.dollars = dollars; } // EFFECT: update this account balance by given amount void deposit(Integer amt) { this.dollars = this.dollars + amt; } // Produce the balance in this account. Integer balance() { return this.dollars; } } class Examples { void testBalance(Tester t) { Bank dvhAcct = new Bank(19); t.checkExpect(dvhAcct.balance(), 19); } void testDeposit(Tester t) { Bank dvhAcct = new Bank(19); dvhAcct.deposit(250); t.checkExpect(dvhAcct, new Bank(269)); } void testPaycheck(Tester t) { Bank acct = new Bank(19); Bank notOtherAcct = acct; Bank otherAcct = new Bank(19); Person dvh = new Person("David", acct); Person sweetie = new Person("Significant Other", acct); dvh.paycheck(250); t.checkExpect(dvh, new Person("David", new Bank(269))); t.checkExpect(sweetie, new Person("Significant Other", new Bank(269))); t.checkOneOf(notOtherAcct, new Bank(269)); t.checkOneOf(otherAcct, new Bank(19)); // List bank = new Cons(sweetie, new Empty()); // bank.interest(); } } class Book { String title; Author author; Book(String title, Author author) { this.title = title; = author; author.writeBook(this); } } class Author { String name; Book book; Author(String name) { = name; } Author(String name, Book b) { = name; = b; } void writeBook(Book book) { = book; } } // HtDC, Felleisen class ExamplesBooks { Book HtDC = new Book("How to Design Classes", new Author("MF")); void testHtDC(Tester t) { t.checkExpect(, new Author("MF", HtDC)); t.checkExpect(, new Author("MF", HtDC)); } }